Census - Snippet of Data
with pre-1850 Census |
- Only the head of household
is named.
- Ages are bracketed into coded
- Those age ranges vary from
two to 20 years,
- The ranges change from year
to year.
- The 1820 census, for example,
is modified from the 1810 census.
- And the 1830 census is modified
from that.
- Analyzing those data causes
errors and confusion.

1810 Census - Timeline Format
with CensusMate Timeline
Format |
- Age range brackets are easy
to see.
- Range of birth years is shown
on the timeline.
- Data can be aligned with other
census years to greatly narrow
the range of birth dates.
- Data from other sources such
as wills, bibles, marriages,
or later census can help analysis.
- The combination helps identify
unnamed children.
- Math calculations are unnecessary,
avoiding errors.